Protesting against “…laws and rules without reason. This is currently what we’re dealing with here in Germany. We’re inundated with laws and rules. There are new ones every week. And all without any understanding of their impact. It’s senseless.”
This video is less than ten minutes long but it encapsulates the essence of what the democrats are foisting on us here in the U.S.
That essence is the government model of democracy, as opposed to a constitutional republic.
Germany has never been a country based on the idea that the government is constituted to protect individual rights. It has at its best been a mixed governance of statism and individual rights. Without strict mindful civic adherence to the institutions of legal norms protecting individual rights and property that are the very foundation of civilization and all the wealth that make living on a human plane of existence possible, slowly but surely and then suddenly the collapse of society is the sure inevitable result.
The idea of democracy as being a bulwark of civilization only has any truth to it so long as it is regarded in it’s early American meaning, which is equality before the law. Other than that it’s meaning is rule by simple majority or rule by an elected oligarchy. The democrats “Our Democracy” does not mean equality before the law. It means oligarchy. It is a lawless self-aggrandizing idea of government.
It is, to quote the OED’s first definition of anarchy, “a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.” By that I mean it regards no law higher than itself. It’s laws do not trace back to natural law and the protection of individual rights. A government whose only fount of legitimacy is majority vote is nothing but anarchy institutionalized.
Which brings us to the above video. At 4:30 minutes into the video it is pointed out that they are protesting against “…laws and rules without reason. This is currently what we’re dealing with here in Germany. We’re inundated with laws and rules. There are new ones every week. And all without any understanding of their impact. It’s senseless.”
The German people are suffering from an anarchy of lawless governance. They are suffering from an elected oligarchical form of government. In the parlance of the democracy mindset their only real hope is to vote the bastards out.
But that is only a short term fix for a problem that can only be fixed by the very radical idea of the rediscovery and return to government whose function is to be the night watchman of individual rights.
The legitimate state is not to be our government but our guard so that we can have governance.
Statistics: Posted by Margaret — 1/21/2024, 2:53 pm — Replies 3 — Views 494